Power Up: As demonstrated in the example, this block continuously outputs a "1" signal while the device is energized.

Link: In this example, the block is connected to the arm-disarm output on the Security page. When the alarm is activated, the "2" signal is converted into the string "Alarm was set."

Trigger: Regardless of the input received, this block is configured to output the constant string "Greetings."

Value Trigger: This block outputs the data present at its input (which can be variable) when a trigger signal is received from the port.

Loop: In this example, the block starts a loop upon receiving a "1" command at the start input. It counts the "3" signal at its input and sends this signal to the output 12 times at 1-second intervals.

In this example, the Notification block is set up to alert the phone in case of a burglar alarm triggered from the security page. The Prepare input is used to activate the block with a "1" command. The Title and Body fields are used to specify the notification's title and message content.

When the "1" command is sent to the Prepare input, the block sends a notification to the phone via the mobile application, displaying the specified title and message.

The Counter block in this example is configured to count up to 15 in increments of 3. After receiving the start command, when the input receives the number 5, the block will count as 8, 11, 14, 17, and 20 sequentially. These values will be output at the specified interval time frequency, and the counting process will be completed after reaching the final value.

The Memory block is designed to retain the last state of the digital output "1," ensuring that this output state is preserved and restored when the system powers back on.

VRF Memory: In the image, you can see examples of VRF control using a UI, control transfer to another device via TCP/IP with Modbus Slave, and the implementation of VRF Memory. These examples illustrate how the VRF Memory block is used in conjunction with other control methods to maintain system states and manage communication between devices.

Convert: In the image above, you can see examples of converters that handle conversions to Mode, Hex, and Integer formats. These converters are used to transform data into the appropriate format needed for different operations or communications within the system.

Scaling: In the setup above, different samples of the Scaling object show how the scaling object works.

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