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Digital IO
The Digital IO is used to manage the physical inputs and outputs of the panel. If a UI object is added, the output can be controlled directly through the UI.
The Display is a tool that enables control over the screen's backlight level and power status. The backlight intensity can be adjusted by inputting a value between 0 and 100 on the left side of the block. 0 to power input turns off the screen, while 1 turns it on. The Reset function returns the screen to 100% brightness when the value is 1.
Proximity & Light Sensor
The Proximity & Light Sensor is a reading block for devices with proximity and brightness sensors. It measures the ambient light intensity (Lux) and detects the proximity level of objects approaching the screen.
Temperature & Humidity
The Temperature & Humidity is a reading block that provides real-time temperature and humidity data for devices equipped with these sensors.